Competition Commission And Bank of America Merrill Lynch International Ltd; BNP Paribas; JP Morgan Chase and Co; JP Morgan Chase Bank N.A; Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Ltd; Standard New York Securities Inc.; Investec Ltd; Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd; Nomura International PLC; Standard Charted Bank; Credit Suisse Group; Commerzbank AG; Macquaire Bank Ltd; HSBC Bank PLC; Citibank N.A; ABSA Bank Ltd; Barclays Capital Inc.; Barclays Bank PLC;HSBC Bank USA, National Association Inc; Merrill Lynch Peirce Fenner and Smith Inc; Bank of America, N.A; Investec Bank Ltd; Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC; Nedbank Group Ltd; Nedbank Ltd; Firstrand Ltd; Firstrand Bank Ltd; Standard Americas Inc

Case number: CR212Feb17/JOI136Sep20
Case type: Interlocutory Application
Procedural matter: Joinder Application
Case status: Reasons Issued
Outcome: Dismissed
Order date: 2023-03-30
Sector: Financial and insurance activities
Industry: Security and commodity contracts brokerage
Relevant market: Market for spot trades in relation to USD/ZAR pair trading
Competition Tribunal Members: Andreas Wessels, Mondo Blessing Mazwai, Yasmin Carrim

Case Files

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