Government Employees Pension Fund, Unemployment Insurance Fund and Compensation Fund, Duly Represented by Public Investment Corporation SOC And AFGRI Poultry (Pty) Ltd T/A Daybreak Farms

Case number: LM103Jul17
Case type: Large Merger
Type of merger: Vertical
Case status: Reasons Issued
Outcome: Approved Subject to Conditions
Order date: 2017-10-09
Sector: Manufacturing
Industry: Slaughtering, dressing and packing of livestock, including poultry and samll game for meat
Relevant market: The upstream regional market for the supply of poultry feed; and the downstream national market for producing and processing of poultry
Remedy: Divestiture of company/business
Competition Tribunal Members: Enver Daniels, Fiona Tregenna, Medi Mokuena

Case Files

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