Competition Commission and Botha Roodt (Johannesburg), Botha Roodt (Pretoria), Suptropico (Pty) Ltd, Interaction Market Services Holding (Pty) Ltd, Dapper Market Agents (Pty) Ltd, DW Fresh Produce CC, Farmers Trust CC, Noordvaal Market Agents (Pty) Ltd, Marco Fresh Produce Agency, Wenpro Market Agents CC, Wenpro Market Agents (KZN), Prinsloo and Venter Market Agents, Fine Bros (Pty) Ltd, Delta Market Agents (Pty) Ltd and Institute for Market Agents

Case number: CR191Oct17
Case type: Complaint Referral from Commission
Case status: Pending Interlocutory Application
Sector: Agriculture forestry and fishing
Industry: Gorwing of perenal crops
Relevant market: Production and sale of fresh produce
Sections of the act: 4(1)(b)(i)
Competition Tribunal Members: Enver Daniels, Fiona Tregenna, Andreas Wessels

Case Files

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